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Welcome to PhpSpreadsheet's documentation

#Welcome to PhpSpreadsheet's documentation| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Welcome to PhpSpreadsheet's documentation

PhpSpreadsheet is a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file formats such as Excel and LibreOffice Calc.

File formats supported Format Reading Writing Open Document Format/OASIS (.ods) ✓ ✓ Office Open XML (.xlsx) Excel 2007 and above ✓ ✓ BIFF 8 (.xls) Excel 97 and above ✓ ✓ BIFF 5 (.xls) Excel 95 ✓ SpreadsheetML (.xml) Excel 2003 ✓ Gnumeric ✓ HTML ✓ ✓ SYLK ✓ CSV ✓ ✓ PDF (using either the TCPDF, Dompdf or mPDF libraries, which need to be installed separately) ✓ Getting started Software requirements

PHP version 7.4 or newer to develop using PhpSpreadsheet. Other requirements, such as PHP extensions, are enforced by composer. See the require section of the composer.json file for details.

PHP version support

LTS: Support for PHP versions will only be maintained for a period of six months beyond the end of life of that PHP version.

Currently the required PHP minimum version is PHP 7.4: the last release was 7.4.32 on 29th September 2022, and security support ends on 28th November 2022, so PhpSpreadsheet will support PHP 7.4 until 28th May 2023. PHP 8.0 is officially End of Life on 26th November 2023, and PhpSpreadsheet will continue to support PHP 8.0 for six months after that date.

See the composer.json for other requirements.


Use composer to install PhpSpreadsheet into your project:

composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet

Or also download the documentation and samples if you plan to use them:

composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet --prefer-source

If you are building your installation on a development machine that is on a different PHP version to the server where it will be deployed, or if your PHP CLI version is not the same as your run-time such as php-fpm or Apache's mod_php, then you might want to add the following to your composer.json before installing:

{ "require": { "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.23" }, "config": { "platform": { "php": "7.4" } } }

and then run

composer install

to ensure that the correct dependencies are retrieved to match your deployment environment.

See CLI vs Application run-time for more details.

Hello World

This would be the simplest way to write a spreadsheet:






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